Friday, April 29, 2011

Spencer got in a fight. . .

 And guess what?  He won!  He left the other guy dead.  Literally.  Unfortunately it was a fight with a bee.  While we were at the beach on Saturday Spencer got stung on the forehead.  He ran up to us and was yelling "Stupid bee!  Stupid bee!"  I was able to get the stinger out right away and then he went on to playing like nothing happened.  He went to bed just fine, but came into our room around 1:30 saying his eye hurt and that it was hard to open.  It wasn't too swollen, so I gave him some tylenol and sent him back to bed (I didn't have any benedryl).  When he woke up the following morning it was a little more swollen and pretty hard to open his eye, but by midday, he couldn't open his eye at all.  We went and picked up some benedryl and kept that in him, but it kept getting more swollen.  The first two pictures are taken that night.  You can see how the swelling took over the entire left side of his face.
 We took him to the doctor Monday morning and got some prescription strength benedryl and a steroid to help with the swelling.  By Monday night things were looking a little better.
It took until Thursday for the swelling to completely go away.  Although it looks so painful, the only time he said it hurt was that first night.  Otherwise he just said that it was annoying that he couldn't open his eye.  We are now an Epi-pen carrying family from this experience, but hopefully will never have to use it.  Better to be safe than sorry.


Ali said...

I can't even believe these pictures...that is so so so sad! Poor Spencer!! How scary. Oooh, I hate hate hate bees...and I hate them even more now!

The Redford Family said...

poor kid...I am glad it didn't hurt and I am glad he didn't get into a fight at school. He is too good for that. The picture doesn't even look like him. I am glad it looks worse than it was. No more bees for him.

Megan Bruschke said...

Grayden's face looked a lot like that when he got stung last summer! We can now be Epi-pen buddies! Glad that he was ok, but it does look beastly!

The Trotter Family said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! That is so crazy looking. I guess it is a good thing that he was bitten so high up, you wouldn't want his throat to have swollen! Why do we have to learn about allergies the hard way?