The night after my dad got home from the hospital, I decided that I wanted to join in the fun and create a little excitement of my own. We went to bed that night around 10:30, and although Brett fell to sleep rather quickly, I was uncomfortable and couldn't fall to sleep. Within about a 1/2 hour I was in pretty good pain and began pacing the floor in our room trying to "walk it off". My chest and upper back were hurting and I had some pain in my upper right stomach (I had the same thing for a few weeks about a year ago and a couple episodes since and was told it was reflux, but I didn't believe it). After about an hour and a half of pretty intense pain I finally woke Brett up and asked for a blessing. Of course he obliged and then proceeded to get dressed. I took that as my sign that he was going to take me to the doctor whether I liked it or not. To make another long story short, by the time that I saw the doctor in the ER my pain had pretty much subsided (I knew that was going to happen. I hate going to the doctor!). Fortunately the doctor didn't have to see me in pain to know what was going on. He told me that he thought I had just had a gall bladder attack which is caused by gallstones, so he ordered an ultrasound to confirm. Sure enough, the ultrasound tech found what she called sludge balls in my gall bladder. The ER doctor gave me a referral for a specialist and told me I would most likely need to get my gall bladder removed. So that was Saturday night/Sunday morning. By Wednesday afternoon I had my appointment with the specialist and by Friday morning I was heading to the hospital for my out-patient surgery. Everything is done laparoscopically using four small incisions, three in my upper right stomach and the fourth in my belly button. I guess it is a pretty routine surgery, much like an appendectomy (removal of the appendix). While I was in surgery they found that I had an umbilical hernia, so they went ahead and took care of that while they were in there. The pathology report came back saying the I had four black gallstones and other sludge, whatever that means. Brett was a trooper through the weekend, taking care of me and the kids and my mom has been awesome in helping out since Brett went back to work. It has been a week and a half since the surgery and I am feeling almost 100%. Still some lingering pain, but nothing to stop me from doing day to day activities (although still not up for exercising yet, but that may be more psychological than physical.) Bailey and Tanner are enthralled with my incisions and come up to me and lift my shirt up multiple times a day to see my "owies".
The night before my surgery we got a call from Brett's mom informing us that our nephew Grayden was in the hospital getting ready for surgery of his own. He was playing at the park and fell off the monkey bars. He ended up breaking his arm in three places, two bones right above the wrist and his elbow. From our understanding the surgery went well and he now has two pins in his arm for the next 6 weeks. Poor boy!
Wow. Those are crazy updates. Glad everyone is on the road to recovery. Good thing you have some family close by to help out now and then. Brett helped us with another computer issue this week....we appreciate him so much! Miss you all.
Seriously?! I had no idea...I am so sorry. When it rains, it literally POURS! I am so glad everyone is in the recovery process and we'll pray for your family and no other issues!
Man, you have been busy! Pink Eye isn't fun either! It may not be as serious but it still causes frustration! Maybe you guys will be healthy for the next six months straight now!? I hope all is well now!
SERIOUSLY!? :-) I am so glad that you and your dad are going to be ok! What a month! We are sending our love and hoping that things settle down at your house - for real! :-)
Holy nonsense! I'm glad everything's turned out better in the end. I love that I get to spy on you guys, but I so wish we lived closer. Catch ya later...
Oh my gosh, your poor family! Stuff seems to happen in waves, so this had to have been it for quite a while.
Oh my goodness! What a crazy month. Glad to hear everyone is on the mend now.
Funny - we've been doing the eye drops all week too (Bryant and Alexa). On the other side - sorry you had to go thru the rest of that. Hope all is well now. Glad you recovered quickly and glad everything worked out ok with your dad.
That is a lot of medical updates, wow! I am glad that everything is turning out to be ok and that you are feeling better. I hope nothing else comes your way, I'll keep my fingers crossed...
Good times. :)
Sorry to hear about all the drama. Non of that is fun even the pink eye. Please give your dad a hello and glad he is feeling better for me. And I'm happy you are doing well too. You are a trooper. It was great seeing you and Sarah at the bridal shower too.
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